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Selectmen's Minutes July 02, 2002
July 02, 2002

PRESENT:  Theodore Bailey, Jeffrey Jordan, David Colbert, Heather Briggs, and Judy Kenneally via telephone


The minutes of June 25, 2002 were approved as written, signed and will be posted to our web page.


Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Ted Bailey.

Subject:   Highway Department

Present: A J May

A J May requested that the Board hold onto the grader check until further notice as he has reduced the price of the grader.

The highway department is still working on Horse Corner Road.  It is progressing well.

Subject:   Police Department

Present:  Chief Clarke

Chief Clarke returned from two weeks of Military leave.  

Selectman Colbert asked Chief Clarke about a pistol permit applied for by Joe Brown.  Chief Clarke said that it is in process.  

Subject:  Donna Chagnon

Mrs. Chagnon is inquiring about the ‘rumors’ that Jeffrey Jordan resigned from the Board of Selectmen. The Board confirmed that Jeffrey Jordan did resign and that he will apply for the road agent position.

She also asked about purchasing fill from the school building project.  The Board referred her to the School Board.  

Subject:  Mr. & Mrs. Wolfe

Regarding Mr. Wolf’s property (3-85-22) and the appeal that he filed last February.  Heather will bring the paperwork to Judy for her to review.  Mr. Wolf will check back in about two weeks.

Subject:  Claude Bailat and Mrs. Bailat

Mr. Bailat is responding to the letter sent to him regarding a zoning violation.  He let the Board know that he is not living in the barn but he does sleep there occasionally.  

He also inquired about what the Town of Chichester would require to make it a residence.  The Board referred him to the Planning Board and to the Building Inspector.  The Board also gave him some suggestions as to subdividing the property.

Subject:  Mr. Frank Merrill, Mr. & Mrs. Nolin

Mr. Merrill and Mr. Nolin told the Board that they are interested in placing irrigation from the pond to Mr. & Mrs. Nolin’s property at 3 Kara Drive.  Some of the work will be done on Town of Chichester’s property.  The Board had no problem with this.  Contingent upon verification from DES the Board will write him a letter of permission to do so.

Heather will draft the letter for the July 09 meeting.

Subject:  Board Discussion

Selectman Colbert swore in Richard DeBold as Selectman to fill Mr. Jordan’s resigned position at 7:00 PM.

Being that there are two recreation members on the Board and to avoid any conflict of interest, the Board will only grant requests for spending the Recreation Commission Capital reserve money with a unanimous vote.

The Board discussed what positions were being filled and by whom from the Board.  The Board agreed to further discuss this after Judy checks into it.

Judy informed the Board that Crystal Hills gave a quote of $3,875 for the addition to the Harkness water system.  Judy is going to call other places for additional estimates.

Judy welcomed Selectman DeBold with her introduction of the basic rules of being selectman.  Selectman DeBold said that he understood and agreed.

Judy set a date of November 02, 2002 for the Appreciation dinner this year.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Theodore Bailey, Chairman

David Colbert, Selectman

Richard DeBold, Selectman